Parkour Magazine

Agency: Allround Team | Photographer: Achim Hehn

Editorial Design Concept, Layout, Photo Direction, Illustration

Parkour is a quarterly published patients magazine by AbbVie for people with Parkinson’s Desease and their related ones. It means to give orientation and support by provoding information and assistance on different subjects around Parkinson’s.

Every issue opens with a personal portrait and contains a key topic article that includes a full-page infographic. Photo shootings are performed for the magazine cover, the key topic article and the portrait. Recurring magazine columns are useful tips section, expert section, riddle-page and participation section with reader questions. With attention to the needs of the older target group we designed a clear but still playful magazine. Each issue has it’s own season related color scheme, photography- and illustration style.

Color scheme and illustration style also apply to the main infographic.


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